Time-Honored Techniques to Reduce Stress
Studying abroad can be an amazing adventure, with so many new sights, new friends and new experiences. But it can also be stressful, especially when you’re focused on achieving academically. Read on for a few ideas to help you manage your stress and decompress.
Prioritize Rest
Most experts still agree that eight hours sleep is best, but napping every now and then is okay. Getting the right amount of sleep will make you more productive, help you be more open to learning opportunities and benefit your overall health.
Don’t Quit Your Favorite Hobbies
A great way to stave off burnout is to continue hobbies you enjoy. Hobbies can help you recharge, refocus, and give you a much-needed break from your studies.
Eat Healthy Food
Avoid fast food and vending machines if you can. Ensure you have a balanced and healthy breakfast and try to avoid processed foods throughout the day.
Find and Keep Your Emotional Support System
Having family or friends available to discuss problems or concerns is a critical way to reduce stress. Sharing your experiences with someone you trust can be a consistent way to help manage your stress.
Try Visualization
This technique, also known as guided imagery, can help when you feel overwhelmed. Sit somewhere quiet and visualize a pleasant, peaceful scene. You’ll find that the practice will help calm you.
Stop and Listen to Music
Listening to music can help improve your brain’s processing and memory. It’s also a great relaxation technique. Figure out what music works best for you and incorporate it into your stress-relieving toolbox.
Make Sure You’re Properly Protected for Your Journey
By having proper health and travel insurance for your trip, you can enjoy peace of mind knowing you are properly protected while studying abroad and avoid potential stressors. Lewerglobal can be your essential insurance resource. Call us at 800-821-7711 or visit our website so we can help protect you.