Student life can sometimes be overwhelming, especially if you study in a country other than yours. The new environment and the stress of doing well academically can take a toll on even the strongest person.
The good news is that there can be support for someone struggling with mental health. In fact, that helper can be you! Being there for friends or colleagues is one of the most important ways to relieve stress.
Tips from the non-profit groups Mind and the JED Foundation offer some great ideas on what to speak about with friends who may need help coping. Here is some of the advice that resonated the most with us.
Be attentive to their online life
Sometimes, signs of someone struggling can be found on social media or in chats. Watching for overtly sad or negative captions, emojis, or posts showing irritability or impulsive behavior. This is when you can frame a conversation around what you might see online.
Frame your talk in the best way
Instead of just having it be an invitation to talk about an issue, make it a part of something you do commonly with the friend. Going on a walk, getting food after class or a simple “what’s up” in a text as a start can all be very effective.
Ask open-ended questions about them
You want the conversation to be more than a series of yes-and-no answers. Explore feelings and have them express what is happening in whatever way is most comfortable to them, and at whatever speed is best for them to express themselves.
Help them organize their thoughts and feelings
You can be helpful if you write down a list of questions or concerns your friend may have. Organizing this list by priority with the most important points they want to discuss with a health professional can be a significant opening step for them seeking help.
Take rejection well
You can’t force someone to get help; if they reject that the first time, that’s fine. Either way, you should keep offering to be with that person in whatever context. Stay available and keep checking in.
Comprehensive insurance for your needs
While you are on this journey with your friends and fellow students, we can also help you. Lewerglobal knows about the unique needs of students studying abroad, and we can help you prepare for the unexpected twists and turns along the way with insurance and resources that can be helpful.
To learn more, call us at 800-821-7711 or visit our website.