4th of July: Celebrating Independence Day in the USA

The 4th of July is a federal holiday in the United States that celebrates the adoption of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776.

And for international students staying in the US during the summer, it’s a wonderful opportunity to participate in some independence day celebrations!

In this blog, we’ll provide a quick refresher on the history of US independence, various ways Americans celebrate this national holiday, and how international students can join in on Fourth of July fun.

History of Independence Day

On July 4th, Americans celebrate their independence from Great Britain. The holiday commemorates the day in 1776 when the Continental Congress formally adopted the Declaration of Independence, which Thomas Jefferson wrote with the help of John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, and others.

Continental Congress voted on July 2, 1776

Technically, the 56 members of Congress voted in favor of the Declaration of Independence on July 2, 1776. John Adams even wrote to his wife Abigail, saying, “July 2 will be celebrated, by succeeding generations, as the great anniversary Festival.”

But it wasn’t formally adopted until July 4, so that is why Americans celebrate the fourth of July as independence day.

The Declaration of Independence declared that the 13 American colonies were now independent states, no longer subject to British rule. At the time, this was a bold move by the founding fathers, who risked everything to create a new country based on freedom and democracy.

The original 13 American colonies

Thirteen Colonies - WorldAtlas
  1. New Hampshire
  2. Massachusetts
  3. Rhode Island
  4. Connecticut
  5. Nova Iorque
  6. Nova Jersey
  7. Pennsylvania
  8. Delaware
  9. Maryland
  10. Virgínia
  11. Carolina do Norte
  12. Carolina do Sul
  13. Geórgia

The road to independence was not easy. The American colonies had been under British rule for over 150 years, and tensions had been building for decades. The British government had imposed a series of taxes and regulations on the colonies, which they felt were unfair and unjust.

In response, the colonists began to organize and resist British rule. They formed militias and staged protests, and eventually, the conflict erupted into open warfare even before declaring independence. The British troops were initially successful, but the colonists were determined to win their independence.

Even after the Continental Congress adopted independence on July 4th, 1776, the US continued fighting Great Britain until 1781, when the British finally surrendered in Yorktown, Virginia.

usa, america, constitution, thomas jefferson

The new nation faced many challenges in the years that followed, but it persevered and today is one of the most influential and prosperous nations in the world.

As an international student, learning the history of the US makes celebrating Independence Day even more special. You’ll understand why many Americans are proud of their country and take time to celebrate!

Independence Day Celebrations and Traditions

The first July 4 celebration happened in Philadelphia in 1777 during the American Revolution with the reading of the Declaration of Independence, concerts, parades, and fireworks displays. The Pennsylvania Evening Post reported that thirteen rockets were fired, one for each colony.

George Washington, who would be the first president of the United States, was a general during the war. He would lead troops in celebrations by doubling rations of rum!

But the Fourth of July would not become an official national holiday until 1870, and eventually a paid holiday for federal employees in 1941.

Today, not much has changed in how Americans celebrate independence. And there are plenty of opportunities for international students to join in on the celebrations.


july fireworks, independence day

Fireworks are an absolute must every Fourth of July! Many cities and towns will put on fireworks displays, but you can also buy various kinds of fireworks to set off at home.

In fact, Americans spend an estimated $2.4 billion on fireworks for the Fourth of July. There are so many varieties, from powerful roman candles to simple and fun sparklers.

You can search online if your town or city will be hosting a fireworks display. They may also provide recommendations on where you can sit for the best view! Many people will bring blankets and foldable chairs to sit outside and enjoy the show.

Family Get Togethers and Outdoor Picnics

family get togethers, july celebrations

Since many Americans have July 4 off from work, many people will take the time to travel to see family. Many families will host barbeques and picnics, with an estimated spending of $7.7 billion each year in food alone.

Some of the most popular picnic food and drink items for any Fourth of July celebration usually include the following:

  • Hot dogs
  • Hamburgers
  • Potato salad
  • Anything barbecue
  • Lemonade
  • Iced tea
  • Beer and wine
  • Apple pie
  • Ice cream
  • Any dessert that is red, white, and blue!

Some international offices will host July 4 picnics for international students. You can also gather up your friends and host your own picnic at a nearby park or at your home.

July 4 Parades

Many towns and cities will also host July 4 parades. Some will be earlier in the day, while others will be in the evening, right before the fireworks start.

You can do a quick online search for any July 4 parades scheduled in your area. This is a must-attend for any international student! It’s a patriotic display of local culture and there is usually lots of candy tossed to those watching nearby.

Or if you want to experience July 4 on an epic proportion, it’s probably no surprise that the largest July 4 parade is in Washington, D.C. The National Independence Day Parade is every July 4, usually starting right before noon.

Watch Patriotic Movies

Nothing gets your blood pumping and feeling American pride than watching a patriotic movie!

Some of the most notable and classic movies international students can watch on July 4 include:

  • Top Gun (1986)
  • Top Gun: Maverick (2022)
  • Forrest Gump (1994)
  • Air Force One (1997)
  • Independence Day (1996)
  • The Patriot (2000)
  • National Treasure (2004)
  • Captain America: The First Avenger (2011)
  • Selma (2015)

Wear Red, White, and Blue

One of the easiest ways to celebrate US independence is to display the colors of the flag! An estimated 26% of Americans will buy patriotic gear just for July 4 celebrations.

From sunglasses, t-shirts, shorts, or flip flops, there’s really no limit to showing US patriotism.

International Students: Join the Celebration!

Your study abroad in the US is the perfect opportunity to experience first-hand some of the best celebrations and traditions, including Independence Day.

No matter how you celebrate, please keep safety top of mind! Fireworks can be dangerous, so be sure to follow safety guidelines. Additionally, if you choose to drink alcohol, please do so responsibly.

We hope this was a helpful guide to the Fourth of July, and that you’re encouraged to participate in the festivities. If you attend a parade, watch fireworks, or host your own get-together with your American and international student friends, we hope you enjoy the experience.

Happy 4th of July from the Lewerglobal team!

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